Julia Couzens
Hello, my name is Julia Couzens and I’m from Auburn, CA.
Working abstractly, in scales both large and small, Couzens delves into a rich bag of tricks: cutting, wrapping, pasting, tying, scavenging, stitching, slicing, sorting, bundling, and collaging to create eccentric objects possessing intense linear energy, textural physicality, and exuberant color.
Website: http://juliacouzens.com
Location: 12th and Q Streets (legacy work from 2014)
About my traffic utility box design:
“Scrap Wrap”
Original Medium: Paint, ink, and paper
In thinking about a design to wrap a utility box I envisioned electricity as a form of conversational energy and the box as a magnet, or punctuation point, along the Sacramento grid. “Scrap Wrap” represents coalescing particles from the life of the street — scraps of vagrant papers snatched by a breeze, twiggy bits dropped from trees, wind-skipping straws, the boogie-woogie street patois pulled into the orbit of our downtown Capitol City energy.