Jennifer O'Neill Pickering
Hello, my name is Jennifer O’Neill Pickering I am a visual and literary artist living in Sacramento.
I have always been drawn to nature growing up in a rural landscape in Northern California. Planted in the city my work still reflects flora and fauna in urban landscapes. I work in several mediums that include watercolor, encaustic transfer, encaustic, collage, photography, mixed media, charcoal, and digital collage. I work from life, intuitively, and from memory. I often use various mediums to create art.
If you would like further information about my art, please contact me below.
Twitter: @neill_pickering
Location: 8th & I Streets
About my traffic utility box design:
“Crow Wisdom”
Original Medium: Watercolor
Since my Capitol box is in front of the Central Library in Sacramento, I wanted the design to include books and a positive message using words, an abundance of color, and imaginative iconography. In a world that is out of balance, I try to convey hope and a way forward through my artwork. Much of this design is inspired by the Goddess Series, large works in watercolor that I have been creating for several years as well as an interest in crows. All the panels begin with watercolors, employ patterns that are drawn, use the techniques of drypoint and wet on wet. You can find the use of these patterns in many of the the flora and fauna in the panels including deer, oak leaves, crows, and poppies.
The front and second panel is inspired by the Goddess of the Bibliotheca (Library), and the added words are an excerpt from a poem I wrote called “Crow Wisdom.” I wanted to include local flora and fauna specific to the area in the traffic box. The third panel includes the flora and fauna of the lower American River. The fourth celebrates crows and olives using repeated patterns. Crows and olives are in abundance in the central valley of California and are often found in urban settings. They are one of the most intelligent and adaptable birds on earth and represent transformation and change.
More work from Jennifer O'Neill Pickering

"Crow Under the Walnut Tree," encaustic transfer, 8"x 8"

"Six Crows in an Olive Tree," watercolor, 12"x 16"

"Summer Goddess," watercolor, 29" diameter

Amaryllis, watercolor, 6x14"

Three Faces, watercolor 6x14''

Utility Box 29th Street and Meadowview Ave. Sacramento, CA