Donald Satterlee
Hello, my name is Donald Satterlee and I’m from Sacramento, CA.
As a commercial photographer Donald Satterlee is known for creating, beautifully lit, slick images of electronic devices of all sorts. In total contrast, Donald’s personal work often takes on a grungy textural look that replicates the patina of a rusty old machine.
Donald frequently teaches Photoshop compositing techniques at the Viewpoint Photographic Art Center.
Location: 5th and Capitol (legacy work from 2014)
About my traffic utility box design:
“Supremely High Octane”
Original Medium: Photography and digital media
A photo of a weathered old gas pump triggered the inspiration to create this piece entitled Supremely High Octane for the Utility Box Project.
The piece incorporates 5 images taken around Northern California. The pumps were taken at the Empire Mine in Grass Valley and in Broderick. The riveted sides are images of the huge train engine parked behind the California Auto Museum. An abandoned fire truck in Williams provided the gauges and an image from the Folsom Powerhouse Museum provided the blue pipes. All the elements were composited using Photoshop, after which, layers of texture were added to create the aging patina.