Chris Herman
Hi, my name is Chris Herman and I’m a graphic designer based in Sacramento, CA.
Chris Herman is a graphic artist who began practicing art in early 2000, which consisted of a series of black/white faces on stickers, stencils, and large photocopied posters. Often referred to as Street-Art. In 2014 after an 8 year hiatus from art, Chris returned to the original faces he created during his street campaign and began applying them to small 1-3 color paintings using acrylic on gessoed, cover stock. This eventually evolved to larger paintings on wood as triptych and diptych paintings. His current practice relies on found materials i.e. newspapers, used post- it notes, retail packaging, assorted stencils, and various painting applications. Pencil, crayon, and markers are also used. The meaning of each painting is a random narrative. Although a definite theme can manifest as the work is assembled. The objective of this work is visual aesthetic and balanced composition.
Location: 15th & S Streets
About my traffic utility box design:
“Urban Abstract”
Original Medium: Mixed media
15th & S is a busy intersection. The locus of the North and West panels are directed toward vehicle traffic, whereas the East and South panels are positioned to interest pedestrians.
More work from Chris Herman